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International celebrity physical therapist Dr. Karena Wu contributes to this story in The Washington Post. Dr. Wu uses these small but powerful pieces of equipment in her clinics to challenge her patients. Weighted cuffs and vests add resistance and stability training. To learn how to use them correctly and enhance your workout without injury, read this article.
To read the article in the Washington Post, click here.
NYC’s Best Physical Therapist Dr. Karena Wu is like the ‘Jane Fonda’ of physical therapists. Dr. Wu rehabilitates the young, the old, the famous and the elite athletes of pro beach volleyball. Her go-to exercises include foundational, individual muscle exercises. These isolated muscles need retraining in strength and endurance so that the body can move effortlessly and painlessly. Dr. Wu was asked to contribute to this story on ankle weights for both simple and compound movements.
To read the article on LiveStrong, click here.
Massage guns are great tools for self-massage. This at home piece of equipment is helpful for anyone, from the young to the old. International Physical Therapist Dr. Karena Wu uses and recommends these for her clients in the clinic and for their travels. There are many types but Dr. Wu and her peers discuss their top 4 picks in this article.
To read the article on Mental Floss, click here.
ActiveCare Physical Therapy specializes in Pilates based rehabilitation. Celebrity Physical Therapist, Dr. Karena Wu has incorporated Pilates into rehab since 2005. Her team of highly skilled physical therapists utilize this holistic exercise to treat multiple orthopedic injuries.
To see Dr. Wu’s comments in Eating Well on the multiple benefits of Pilates, click here.
To see Dr. Wu’s comments in Yahoo News on the multiple benefits of Pilates, click here.
NYC’s Best Rated Physical Therapist, Dr. Karena Wu and her team at ActiveCare Physical Therapy emphasize posture in their care. As a Pilates based rehabilitation facility, postural awareness is one of the foundational principles in Pilates and is incorporated at the start of recovery and throughout. Dr. Wu’s top pick for lumbar support cushions is the McKenzie lumbar roll. This roll was developed by a New Zealand physical therapist, Robin McKenzie and comes in two densities. This support serves as a reminder to sit up and use your own muscles when you get stuck working at the desk.
To read the story on Bustle, click here.
Back to school: How to choose a backpack that won’t hurt your back
NYC’s Best Physical Therapist Dr. Karena Wu discusses the new school year. Back to school means shopping for backpacks. Picking the right one can be challenging. Dr. Wu discusses how much weight you should carry and what to look for in a backpack. Picking a functional but fun backpack can be helpful to avoid stresses on the body.
To read the story, click here.
Massage guns are great at home tools that help with soft tissue tightness and pain. The rapid percussion of the massage gun head can help bring blood flow to an area, loosen the soft tissues and relieve pain, stiffness and tightness. Celebrity Physical Therapist Dr. Karena Wu promotes massage guns in the clinic, at home and in sports. Massage guns are a great way to cover a lot of area, warm up tissues quickly and help maintain the musculoskeletal system or rehabilitate an injured area.
To read the article on Very Well Fit, click here.
To read the article on CNN, click here.
NYC’s Best Physical Therapist Dr. Karena Wu was asked to discuss the changes of aging. With over 21 years of experience, Dr. Wu has worked in outpatient orthopedics with patients of all ages. Her work includes hands-on rehabilitation, holistic care and patient
education on the client’s condition and prognosis. Her team at ActiveCare Physical Therapy emphasize the educational component of a patient’s journey in recovery. Dr. Wu contributes to this story on the effects of aging on your tissues as we try to maintain fitness. She also recommends five daily stretches and the importance of them over and beyond the musculoskeletal health.
To read the story on NBC Today, click here.
To Read the story on MSN, click here.